Monday, 13 December 2021

Glad Tidings

The build up to the three-monthly telephone consultation is still fraught as it is easy to let your imagination run away with you. Every ache and pain in this aging body rings alarm bells. Every obituary you glance at which refers to cancer makes you worry. I know it’s morbid but it is hard not to think this way.

Anyway, I needn’t have worried as the consultation turned out to be positive. The pesky PSA is still undetectable and my blood is in good shape. My blood pressure is normal and I am still remaining active if a little tired at times.

The side effects of the hormone treatment still persist with weight gain the most noticeable. The hot flushes come and go and I still have to visit the toilet during the night two or three times. It was agreed that I should try taking some pills to try and reduce the urge to pee.

The hormone injections will continue for another couple of years and the Xtandi tables another year and then perhaps I can return to normal if I am fortunate.

This is as good a situation as I could be in considering the starting point so I feel mightily relieved. Certainly not out of the woods but I continue to feel positive. The next consultation is three months down the line.

Merry Xmas and a healthy New Year.

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