Saturday 9 March 2024

PSA Still Undetectable and Diet Having Positive Effect

Just had my latest check-up and I am delighted to say PSA is still undetectable. I have indeed decided to do something about the weight gain associated with the hormone treatment and have joined Slimming World. Their programme and my willpower have meant that I have managed to shed two stone since I started on January 1st. I am pleased to say that my back is feeling a lot better due to this and visits to a chiropractor. I am left with a painful right hip which I hope will eventually ease as I shed more weight. There is still a way to go as I put on three stone in the period of the hormone treatment. I still get the occasional hot flush so I don’t think I have got my body back to normal yet. I read somewhere that it might take up to a year or even longer in some cases for the hormones to leave my body.

My next check up will be in four months and while the concern about the cancer never really leaves me I do feel in a better place than last year.

PSA Still Undetectable and Diet Having Positive Effect

Just had my latest check-up and I am delighted to say PSA is still undetectable. I have indeed decided to do something about the weight gain...